CSWB Partnership Council

The Community Safety and Well-being Partnership Council (CSWBPC) provides direction, planning, oversight, and leadership in the implementation of the CSWB Plan.


  • Enhancing coordination across municipalities and service providers

  • Prioritizing implementation activities

  • Reporting back to municipal councils and municipal ministries

  • Providing strategic advice, guidance, and support to Action Groups

  • Supporting safety and well-being issue identification

  • Measuring and reporting on Plan progress and achievements

The Partnership Council is guided by a Terms of Reference and is divided into two groups:

Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

The ELT consists of representatives from the 6 municipalities that are legislatively bound to have this plan in place, that participated as funding partners to create the plan, and that have broad responsibilities for their community’s safety and well being. Police and social services participate as co-chairs and resources.

Key Stakeholder Committee (KSC)

The KSC brings geographic and priority area knowledge and expertise to Partnership Council decision making. It also supports the formation of action groups. The KSC consists of the leadership of those existing agencies and organizations whose mandates are aligned with the goals and objectives of the plan.

*Membership reviewed periodically as per the Terms of Reference.

Additional components that support the CSWB Partnership Council include:

Action Groups

Action groups carry out the implementation activities for the CSWB Plan. These groups may already exist or may need to be created to address existing or emerging priorities and geographic gaps in service provision.


  • Respond to CSWB Plan priorities with new and existing strategies and interventions

  • Respond to emergent safety and well-being issues

  • Collect performance measurement data

  • Provide updates to CSWB Partnership Council

The CSWBPC has conducted an inventory of existing collaborative committees to identify gaps where new action groups may need to be established.

Municipal Administrative Support

Staff support performs administrative duties and helps facilitate the implementation of the Plan.

Graphic of a the CSWB Partnership Council governance structure including the Executive Leadership Team, the Key Stakeholder Committee, and Action Groups.